Febuary 2025
Important Dates Coming Up:
- Ladies Valentines Day Breakfast:
The Men of the parish are treating the ladies to a gourmet Valentines
breakfast on Saturday, February 15 at 9am in St. George’s Hall.
Please sign up on the bulletin board at the back of the church if you
would like to join us. - Annual General Meeting:
Our AGM is scheduled for Sunday, February 16 following the 10am
service. Lenten Book study:
Reverend Al is holding a study on the book “In Search of Belief “ by
Joan Chittister which is an exploration of the meaning of the Apostles
Creed in our time. We will be meeting on Thursdays at 2pm here at
St. George’s beginning March 6th . Please register with Shea in the office so we can order the books ahead of time. Cost of the books is
(Please contact the church office for more details).