Of Ministry And Community
By Robert Jenkins
As Christians, we are called together in community, and at the same time, called to ministry.
God has given us these things, so that we can work towards fulfilling God’s kingdom, and
achieve God’s purpose for us in this life we are given.
In our lives, there are times when we feel overwhelmed, when adversity seems to be the norm. How we react to that adversity is critical to our well-being. Sometimes, our ministries can help here, as they focus our attention outside ourselves, and our individual setbacks.
One of the most inspiring things I remember seeing a few years back, when my sister had just arrived at Pine Acres Nursing Home, and we were visiting her, was one of the residents, exceptional for her age of 100 years. This fine Scottish lady, in a wheelchair, was still living life, as she made a point of attending to the care of other residents. She was a delight to speak with. I think it was that focus that kept her going, and gave her life purpose. By serving her community, she found a reason to live.
However, sometimes life can interfere with our ministry, and we worry about the adverse
effect of letting our ministry go for a while. Perhaps we need to trust in God at that point, that our community will act to fill the void that our absence creates. Community is there to support one another, and enable us each to make our own choices, as to what we can do and how best to do it. As Paul said, “Now the body is not made of one part but many.” (1 Cor: 14) Allowing us each to take over for one another at times makes us stronger, and helps us appreciate each other. Life can only be learned by living it. Right now, it seems that an outward focus, and a balance between the individual and the community is what is required. We are blessed to be part of St. George’s.